Serve and Learn in an Affected Community

Commit to participating in a service and learning program with a community affected by climate change

Make a commitment to join a service and learning program in partnership with a frontlines community organization within the next two years. Options include the programs Solidarity with Original Nations and Peoples in the Pacific Northwest and Hurricane Sandy Recovery in New York from the Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice.

  • One option for faith-based service and learning trips is the Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice (UUCSJ), which offers experiential learning programs that help people faith and conscience cross boundaries, gain insight, and imagine new ways to bring their faith together with their yearning to make a difference in the world. UUCSJ programs offer participants intensive engagement with justice work along with the tools they need to bring the experience home again.
  • Learn more and register for Hurricane Sandy Recovery, a service learning trip in partnership with Resurrection Brooklyn Relief in New York. 

Make the commitment below.

Individual Action

Will you make a commitment?

4 Commitments

This form is for individuals and households; if you are making a congregational or organizational commitment, visit the congregational commitment form.

Photo credit/UUCSJ

Who's signing

Showing 4 reactions

  • signed 2015-04-21 07:17:37 -0400
    will lead a service learning trip to Haiti
  • signed 2015-04-10 14:11:22 -0400
  • signed 2015-04-04 14:36:43 -0400
    I commit to participate in a College of Social Justice program in the next 2 years
  • published this page in Advance Human Rights 2015-03-16 09:49:45 -0400