Lighting the Way

“To change everything we need everyone.” This slogan of the People’s Climate March spoke to the coming together of people from every community and interest group, and also the fact that the march coincided with the United Nations Climate Summit in New York.

In order to halt climate change we need all countries to join the struggle.

You can help. Next week Commit2Respond is joining OurVoices for #LightForLima, a global, multi-faith prayer vigil, at the invitation of endorser group GreenFaith.December 1-12 is the next opportunity to call on our leaders for climate justice. At the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference, held this year in Lima, Peru, leaders will establish the fundamentals of an agreement to be honed over the coming year and signed in Paris next December.

Each evening from December 1-7, households and communities around the world will light a candle, a chalice, or a solar lamp and pray, meditate, or offer an invocation for a climate agreement. Then we’ll take a photo and post it on Facebook or Twitter with our hopes for the future and the tags #LightForLima and #Commit2Respond.

On the evening of Sunday, December 7, people around the world from diverse faith and spiritual communities will gather for vigils. Take action: join or organize a vigil!

Time is running out for a strong climate agreement. World leaders in Lima need to know that people of all faiths and spiritualties are holding them in our thoughts, meditations, and prayers—supporting their efforts to reach an agreement and bearing witness to their decisions. Our lights will guide the way.

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  • commented 2014-12-10 18:46:28 -0500
    The Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship has been working with Lummi Nation in opposing fossil fuel exports from the Cherry Point, currently with oil facilities and a proposed coal facility. Part of our work has included supporting the last two Totem Pole Journeys by Lummi House of Tears carvers. The last Journey can be seen at

    On December 4th, we held a Post Totem Pole Journey event with the Totem Pole Journey crew members sharing their experiences as they traveled across the U.S. and into British Columbia and Alberta Provinces in Canada. As part of that event, we included lighting the our UU Chalice as part of Lighting the Way!
  • commented 2014-12-03 12:47:04 -0500
    We here have been concerned about global warming. Our daughter, a professional enviromentallist, keeps us informed regularly as to how we can each make a difference.
  • commented 2014-11-26 15:15:59 -0500
    We are excited about this effort. It is gratifying to see the Catholic Church step it up as well. In September in an article for the journal Science, two academics called for a “massive mobilization” of public opinion by the Vatican and other religions to take action to protect the environment. In response Pope Francis had a message for the UN Climate Summit in NYC, will publish an encyclical on climate change and plans to convene a meeting of faith leaders on the issue.