Support renewable electricity.

Solar panels may possibly be a better financial choice, but we switched to 100% wind because it was easy and cost little more than conventional sources.

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  • commented 2015-04-14 11:25:49 -0400
    Well done!! I’m advocating all people who pay an electricity bill in one of the deregulated states to do the same, together we could make a big difference. Well intentioned people are slow to act on this!!
    Which state do you live in? How did you select your green supplier? Did you check out BBB rating and record of customer complaints, if any? Did you choose a fixed or variable rate? I find people like the idea of switching but they don’t do it, why I don’t know.
    If I email you an ESCO data spreadsheet that makes the selection easier would you pass it on to your community, your church? Email with answers if you prefer. I’m not an ESCO rep. I’m a retiree with a mission!!
  • tagged this with Action 2015-04-14 11:25:48 -0400
  • tagged this with Action 2015-04-13 12:36:33 -0400
  • published this page in Share 2015-04-13 11:18:13 -0400