James Long




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rsvped for Climate Justice Month 2016 2015-09-23 02:06:05 -0400

Climate Justice Month 2016

The inaugural Climate Justice Month was held in 2015, and it's happening again in 2016!

From World Water Day (March 22) through Earth Day (April 22), Unitarian Universalists and other people of faith and conscience are invited to take collective action for climate justice, in our congregations, faith groups, teams, and families.

Building on Climate Justice Month 2015, which focused on spiritual grounding and making commitments, Climate Justice Month 2016 will focus on living into our commitments through collective action. Sign up by RSVP'ing below, save the date, and get more information and resources.

March 22, 2016 at 12pm - April 21, 2016 at 12pm
posted about "Planetary Boundaries and Human Opportunities" on Facebook 2015-05-03 08:04:37 -0400
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"Planetary Boundaries and Human Opportunities"

I believe this is a class which presents a scientific basis to SHIFT our world-view to a "Planet First" framework for human society to operate. Johan Rocktstrom of the Stockholm Resilience center taught a comprehensive 12 week online course. We have permission to show his videos. We study Rockstrom's hopeful, forward thinking framework of sustainability and resilience to navigate a safe and prosperous future in the Anthropocene geologic era we are in. Rockstrom presents science with the tools to approach a spiritual SHIFT of our world-view of "progress" and society's role with nature. https://www.sdsnedu.org/learn/planetary-boundaries-and-human-opportunities-fall-2014