Day 31: An End and a Beginning

As we reach the end of our Climate Justice Month, we have reflected on Rejoicing, Reckoning, Reconnecting, and Committing. 

These are complex ideas on which we will be continually reflecting in our rapidly changing world. But while our internal reflections continue, we must engage with the outer world to create climate justice. Even if we feel like we still have a lot of work to do on our own selves, we have to push our imperfect selves into action. Even if we make mistakes, our imperfect actions will deepen our reflections as we continue the cycle of praxis. 

This is the time to take our commitments beyond ourselves and our congregations and support the development of the next generation of spiritually grounded activists. This is the time to make real the insight and inspiration that we have received over the past four weeks.  

We hope these reflections of Climate Justice Month can be like trail mix to sustain you while on the move. The road ahead is full of promise and challenge, and we will travel it together in faith.

Your Commit2Respond Resource Team,
Rev. SofĂ­a Betancourt
Rev. Peggy Clarke
Tim DeChristopher
Kat Liu
Jennifer Nordstrom


Today, Earth Day, is the end of Commit2Respond's Climate Justice Month, a transformative spiritual process leading to long-term commitments to climate justice. Now is the time to commit to respond to climate change. How will you SHIFT to a low carbon future, ADVANCE human rights, and GROW the movement?

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